Music Ministry Opportunities

Blessed with the talents of many gifted musicians, St Peter’s enjoys a variety of music for regular and festival worship services.  For many years, our Music Ministries have participated in the Heritage Candle Light Tour in December.  From the glorious 34 Rank Reuter pipe organ to handbells and hand chimes, to drums, guitars, and bass, to keyboard and vocals, we appreciate the variety of music and wonderful gifts of our members who participate.

Vocal Choir participates in the 9:00 a.m. worship service with practices on Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. before services. Summer schedule varies.

The ‘Alleluia Ringers’ rehearse Wednesdays evenings, and on Sunday mornings before the monthly worship performance.  The Handbell Choir provides special music on the fourth Sunday of each month. (Summer hiatus from June – August.)

B.A.S.I.C. (Brothers And Sisters In Christ)  Contemporary Team The team – vocals, guitars, bass and drums-  has provided music on our front patio during the annual Lancaster Festival Art Walk in the summer and are included along with the Choir and Handbells in the annual Fairfield Heritage Candlelight Tour in December.  

Instrumentalists are always a welcome addition to any worship experience.  Special instruments are often used at Festival Services and on other occasions. Contact the church office if you would like to be involved in this way.