Weekly Sunday Worship - 9:00 a.m.

9am Sunday morning worship is now taking place in person and may be viewed via facebook “live.”

5PM saturday evening services are held Weekly.

Our Vocal Choir shares special music on the 1st and 3rd Sundays and our Alleluia Ringers handbell choir provides special music on the 4th Sunday.

St Peter’s practices open communion and all baptized Christians are welcome to participate.

More about our worship services

Through worship, we gather as a community  - a family of faith – to hear the Word of God, to praise our Lord, to offer prayers of thankfulness, healing and hope for those we know and love and for all of God’s world, and to receive absolution (forgiveness of sin) and the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, through Holy Communion.

As our building would suggest, St Peter’s has a rich history of Lutheran tradition. We enjoy the symbolism and circumstance in the ritual and practice of traditional, liturgical worship. We also enjoy times of less formal worship and varied formats. 

Lutherans believe that worship is not so much about what we do, but about what God is doing and our response to God’s action. Lutheran worship has a distinctive shape which speaks of the God who gathers us, forgives us, speaks to us, listens to us, strengthens us and sends us out as renewed people.

For St. Peter’s, worship follows this basic pattern common for Lutherans around the world.  Our “traditional” framework (liturgy), shared by Christian churches down through the ages, often includes spoken or sung parts of the Bible which help us to focus on God - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Lutherans have a rich heritage of singing together as we praise God and encourage one another. Traditional worship music is accompanied by pipe organ or keyboard and additional music is often shared by our vocal choir, handbell choir, and various musicians with brass and percussion for special music.

In collaboration with our LLT partners we also offer seasonal worship including Mid-Week Lenten services on Wednesday evenings and Holy Week services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving. Throughout the year we hold a quarterly Service of Healing after Sunday worship service.

Our worship includes many of our members who serve as worship assistants, acolytes, readers, communion assistants, altar attendants, ushers and greeters as well as in the many talented and gifted musical teams.